SCREEN IT Like you mean it

Ask | Create a full-scale campaign to get the general public to screen for Type 1 Diabetes — before they find out they have it from a medical emergency. Subsequently, create a viral pledge campaign using the influence of celebrities with personal ties to the disease state.

Art Direction and Design | Will Burnett, Olivia Browne, Ling Yeung, Tatiana Girman, Matthew Nuzzi, Bona Jeong, Nicole Oclatis, Emily Kim

Copy | Abby Belani, Michaela Berkon, Ariel Klein, Calista Requijo


30s Spots - Caregiver + Young Adult

When creating the SILYMI campaign, we had two distinct target audiences: Caregivers and Young Adults. Our Caregiver work focused on getting parents
to screen themselves and their children, while our Young Adult work focused on communicating directly with an 18-24 audience to let them know their risk of T1D if it runs in the family.

Young Adult


The Screening Campaign - Branding

When creating Screen It Like You Mean It, both UX Designers and Art Directors came together to create an eye-catching, youthful campaign to catch the eye of the
general public.


The lead piece for this campaign was a website. The site hosted two sides of this campaign: Screening and Pledge. The Screening side of the site allows patients and families to download relevant information on Type 1 Diabetes, find out their personal risk, find ways to screen, and learn more about the disease state. I worked with digital designer Ling Yeung and creative director Olivia Browne to the site style and iconography. I also aided in casting for any photography used.

Print Materials

The print pieces for this campaign were primarily used to communicate with patients in HCP spaces. Materials include: a People Magazine Cover Wrap, an HCP Office Height Chart, and a Waiting Room Poster.

Waiting Room Poster

Patient Screening Guide

Waiting Room Tent-Card

People Magazine Cover Wrap

Social + Customer Relationship Management Emails

While print was a good part of the SILYMI presence in HCP offices and waiting rooms, we also went digital. CRM emails and social posts were a part of the digital presence we created for the screening portion of the campaign and drove to the site and any patient downloadables.